★Saori Press Vol.69★ A special article for the School Festival!


Something extraordinary at school?!  A special article for the school festival!



(゜∇ ゜) “Hello everyone!  It’s Saori, who has made a 【Balloon House】 full of balloons in the classroom, speaking of a memory of the cultural festival!”





(  'ω') “Hello.  I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss, who has painted a huge picture on 5.4 × 3.6 meter’s board and decorated in the places like open spaces or stairs, speaking of a memory of the cultural festival.”



002.jpg (470×249)

eishin.ac  ※The picture above is the image.



(゜∇ ゜) “Reallyyyy?!  It’s so rare!  I’ve never heard of such a class performance (painting a picture together) at the school festival!  Was it like the picture shown below... like throwing colors here and there?”





(  'ω') “It wasn’t like this acrobatic-like picture.  It sure is rare.  That’s why it’s the best memory for me... like the one that nobody has experienced before.  But your balloon house(?) seems pretty fun too.”



(゜∇ ゜) “Yes, it’s fun!  We fill the classroom with lots of balloons and have guests get into them!  It’s so much fun for the guests covered with so many fluffy balloons all around them.  It’s like a maze, you know?”



(  'ω') “Wow!  That does seem interesting!”






(T▽T) “Well, that performance was kind of popular since it was easy to clean up after the festival, which they only had to break the balloons, according to some students’ rumors...”



(  'ω') “You just ruined it.”



★Something extraordinary at school?!  A special article for the school festival!★



(  'ω') “By the way....  Do you think everybody who’s now reading this article knows what the school festival is like?”



(`д´) “Whaaat?!  I bet they do!  But it’s the biggest school event that every student experiences at least once!!”









★(  'ω')Boss!  What is a ‘school festival’ in the first place?★



(  'ω') “Actually, it seems like a Japanese unique culture, which is not familiar to people overseas much.”



!!(●ω●;) “What???!!!!”






(  'ω') “The original purpose of the cultural festival is...”



A school event that takes place on purpose of announcing students’ everyday achievement.



(  'ω') “In short, it’s a wonderful event with a slogan:Let’s show people outside of our school what we’ve learned at school by performing plays or having stalls! All the students should basically attend this event and it’s an important school event along with the graduation ceremony, entrance ceremony, school excursion and a school trip.”






(; ・`д・´) “Yeah.... it’s true... Our teacher would check everybody’s attendance during the event (even the period when we prepare for it).  But the event was so fun that nobody would even fail to attend it.”



(  'ω') “Since most schools hold this event, some students who want to enter the school, as well as their parents visit the events of the schools, especially high-level famous schools.”






(; ・`д・´) (Why did she pick the picture that has nothing to do with a high-level famous school...?)



★(  'ω')Boss!  What is a famous performance at the festival?★



(・∀・) “Speaking of a cultural festival, we always look forward to the ‘performance’ by each class, right?!”



(  'ω') “Basically, each class is supposed to open their own room for the exhibits or the items that they create.  Most of the expense that they need is provided from school but if that’s not enough, most of the time, students themselves spend their own money to make up for it.”



(σゝ∀・)σ “So now, let me show you guys some of the major performances which I think are typical for the cultural festival!!!”



Café (Students renovate their classroom to the café where they serve food and drinks.  They work as waiters or waitresses and they sometimes hold some events in the café.)








Haunted House (Students renovate their classroom to a haunted house.  They play monsters and scare guests.  It’s pretty scary if we see those students who play the monsters in other places at school during the event, since they look like monsters...)







Stores (Students open their own stores (they mostly sell food and drinks) outside of their classroom.  Even though their classroom is empty, it’s still pretty fun for them to make food and drinks together).







Plays (Students perform plays or concerts in the auditorium or the gym.  Visitors can enjoy various kinds of events in there since all the performances by each class are allocated to specific time in advance.)








(*´Д`*) “Awww...  it’s been a long time....  Since students are the sponsors, everybody can enjoy this event with almost any money!  It’s a dream-like event, isn’t it?”



(  'ω') “It’s a dream-like event held only once a year for the students, right?  The reason why we shared this event with you is because this time of the year (October-November) is the best season for school festivals all over Japan!”








blog.livedoor.jp 021



(  'ω') “If you have a chance to visit Japan, why don’t you join it!  It’s pretty fun and it’s going to be a great experience for you!”



(*´Д`*) “Okay now, see you all next time!”




<<<<<<★Saori Press Vol.68★A special article for the teachers’ chara!!



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