Doujinshi Cover Set (B5 x24 sheets, A5 x12 sheets)

Doujinshi Cover Set (B5 x24 sheets, A5 x12 sheets)
  • Doujinshi Cover Set (B5 x24 sheets, A5 x12 sheets)
  • Doujinshi Cover Set (B5 x24 sheets, A5 x12 sheets)
  • Doujinshi Cover Set (B5 x24 sheets, A5 x12 sheets)
  • Doujinshi Cover Set (B5 x24 sheets, A5 x12 sheets)
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Item Description

Customer Review

Average 4.9 (17 reviews)
Very nice
by Mina Feb. 13, 2023
Works great for protecting my collection. Can be a little difficult to properly apply at times but works great
Easy to Use
by Adrian Nov. 19, 2022
I've been using these covers for all of my doujinshis and I love how easy they are to put on without bending or damaging the booklets.
A5 fit perfect - not B5
by Devon June 17, 2022
The A5 covers fit my doujin perfectly, even my doujin that have many pages and are very thick (even one that had almost 200 pages!) however, the B5 in the package I received did not fit neatly. The front-cover part, per the directions on the packaging, is too short and is not B5 sizing.

With the A5 covers, you are able to match along the creases almost perfectly, with very little adjustment based on the thickness of your book. If you attempt to match the creases of the B5 it results in the front cover being too short. In order to avoid bending your front cover, the entire sheet needs to be shifted, which leads to air pockets between the clear cover and the book that are not present in the A5 version. I attempted to use the cover on a variety of B5 books with varying thickness and none of them fit without air bubble.

Ultimately, the book covers do their job in protecting the cover and edges of the book. I am sure that given time the cover will form new creases and fit more neatly.

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