Yuuki Yuuna Dakimakura by 富士浅間堂 circle

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  • Eonus
    Sorry for creating another thread but I wanted to rearrange the information I've gotten neatly.

    Product page: http://sengendo.a.la9.jp/yuuna01.html
    Preorder price: 9000円

    According to their how-to-order page (http://sengendo.a.la9.jp/yoyaku.html), they do have a shipping option but only to japanese addresses. Which costs 500円 for 1 dakimakura (via レターパック500) or 1000円 (via クロネコヤマト).

    Once again, sorry for being overly-enthusiastic over this but it has been a long time since I've seen a doujin product that I want to purchase.

  • Ryo Tominaga
    Thank you for your request.

    We list your requested item. Please proceed to check out ^^

    Please feel free to ask if you have any other requests.

    Ryo Tominaga

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