DB doujinshi by pixiv artist たぬきち@インテ5号館ツ66b

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  • Momo
    Hello! I found out that a pixiv artist that I like is going to be attending Comic City Osaka 104. I'd like to request the doujinshi "ライトショウ." Unfortunately, the only recently posted that they will be participating, and they have not listed what circle they are a part of yet, so my information is limited at the moment. Here is a link to artist's page about the doujinshi. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54611782

    I will update this request when I find more information.

    Thank you!

  • Momo
    Ah, I feel really silly right now.... The pixiv artist たぬき will have a booth at Comic City Osaka 104 in building 5 row 66b (5号館
    ツ66b). I hadn't realized their location was in their name the whole time until I found them through the CC catalog....

    But please pick up the Tenshinhan x Yamcha doujinshi for me.

    I believe their circle name is "茶釜."

    Thank you!

  • Ryo Tominaga
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    We are sorry but we will not attend to this event.

    It might be sold after 1/10
    Please keep watching our site.

    Best Regards,
    Ryo Tominaga

  • Momo
    Hi again! Thank you for replying to my thread.

    I was able to contact the artist, and they said that they will be doing mail orders directly. This is a bit much to ask, and I understand if it's too troublesome, but is it possible for your team to buy it from them and ship it to me (since they live in Japan and I don't...)?

  • Ryo Tominaga
    Hello again,

    If they have mail order form, we can buy from them.
    But if it is not, we are sorry but we cannot buy from them....

    Ryo Tominaga

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