Diabolik lovers doujinshi: Jealousy Night

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  • Mariah
    Hi there, I want to request if you guys could find a doujinshi diabolic lovers called Jealousy Night. It is with Yui and each of the brothers the covers has each of the brothers in a row of three. Top is Shu and Reiji, middle is Laito and Ayato, and bottom is Subaru and Kanato. With the title over the brothers. I would very much like to own this. The artist is ハルキ or pixiv id: 763258.

  • Shingo Iwakiri STAFF
    Thank you for your request.

    Do you mean the following item?

    We are sorry that we cannot find it anywhere even in USED condition.

    Please feel free to ask if you have any other requests.

    Shingo Iwakiri

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