【The Millionaire Detective】The Best Part Is the Final Chapter!

Hello everyone! Well well……! Fall 2020 Anime has kicked off! I’ve been starting to check out episode 1 of all kinds of Fall Anime now~! It’s Saori from Otaku Republic!
Hello everyone. I was going to say I’ve been checking Fall 2020 Anime too but! I just recorded them and haven’t got to watch them yet…… I’m still watching Summer 2020 Anime…… I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss.
I understand~! It’s good that we already start checking Fall 2020 Anime but it’s also a good thing to watch all the final episode of Summer 2020 Anime! ……By the way, what was the most impressive Summer 2020 Anime, Boss?
Well~~~ I really liked Season 2 of all the Anime and the ones made out from the original but…… above all, I want to recommend The Millionaire Detective, with flashy, fun and attractive characters, to you!

【The Millionaire Detective】The Best Part about The Millionaire Detective Is the Final Chapter!

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Already! Let me share the THREE attractions of The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED since I have watched everything to the final episode (roughly though.) I really want especially ‘those who have given up watching The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED’. (I’ll be avoiding giving you the spoilers)

The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED’s Attraction No.1

The first attraction about this anime is that we can see this pair growing together. I mean they never try to change their own stance, though.
I should say that they came to understand each other more deeply than ever before, rather than they grew up together. For Katou Haru, it’s hard to accept Daisuke’s stance, where he solves incidents forcefully with his financial power, however, it seems that he came to understand Daisuke’s strong will, where he will surely catch the criminal.
“Just tell me if you have something complicated in your mind. I hate the way you do but I do believe in you, when it comes to catching the criminal no matter what!”
Yeah. At first, they seemed to be hating with each other, huh……? They come to understand with each other deeply through various incidents…… It’s just like TIGER & BUNNY, huh?
These two in TIGER & BUNNY connected to each other with an absolute trust but this pair in The Millionaire Detective has a little different relationship. Even though they start to understand with each other, they will never think that’s completely right, I guess. That’s their relationship and this is the best part about this story.
By the way, is Daisuke-San understanding Haru-Kun?
About that…… we don’t see any definite scene for that so far…… That’s because he became a detective due to a certain purpose and a certain secret…… But to me, it’s still okay because I like to see their interesting combination, where Haru is being controlled by Daisuke, who always does however he wants.

The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED’s Attraction No.2

The second best attraction is shown in the climax, starting from episode 7. In this episode, the story becomes very serious, really focusing on the characters with the theme ‘one murder case’, which occurred 19 years ago.
Actually, each episode stands alone in The Millionaire Detective, which is another best part, huh? (The incident is solved in each episode, while the story among characters usually continues behind the scene, though)
Yep. It’d been the best part that each episode basically stands alone. However, from episode 7, the story focused more on the main character, Kanbe Daisuke’s past and the purpose that he’s had.
The ending made me want to watch the next episode so bad and I saw such a shocking turn of events in episode 8 too.
For those who gave up watching The Millionaire Detective before episode 7, I really want you to go back and watch it from episode 7. It’s going to be so…… I mean, a quite serious story, full of mysteries. It’s going to be another thrilling The Millionaire Detective.

The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED’s Attraction No.3

And…… the last attraction about this anime is a huge and flashy comeback!
The final episode was so interesting…… various things got revealed too. It was such an awesome story as the detective, the buddies and the suspense genres! Since it concluded with 11 episodes, I wish it had more episodes…… But! Since it has fewer episodes, you can easily watch every episode, right?
Oh, by the way, it has been made into a play version too, based on its anime, huh?
In anime, we see various scenes which could be difficult to be remade in the play, such as appearing from the helicopter or chasing with the latest high technology…… Well, what is the play version going to be like?
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So! The Millionaire Detective is one of the awesome Summer 2020 Anime, to me! I know the Fall Anime are starting now but if you want to watch an interesting anime, check this one out!
Influenced by its anime, more and more Doujinshi have been released too! Check them out too!
Check HERE for The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED’s Doujinshi!
Alright! This is all for today! We’ll see you all at the next article!
Bye now~!

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