More and More Anime Have Been Made into Plays in 2017!


Boss(  'ω') “Hello everyone. Japan is now in the middle of a fad of PLAY ADAPTATIONS!!! The latest one that amazed me was 【Inuyasha】! I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss.”



Saori (*゚∀゚) σ “Hello everyone! The play adaptation’s news that amazed me was 【Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End)】! I didn’t even know this news until recently! It’s Saori from Otaku Republic!”



Boss(  'ω') “Oh? Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End) was made into the play too, huh?”


Saori (*゚∀゚)σ “Yep! The reason why I wanted to feature this topic in this article was not only because of the release of 【Inuyasha】’s play adaptation but also because I happened to know that there was an event of nine works in December, 2016, which used to be serialized in Shonen Jump!”





Boss(  'ω') “Wow... there are a lot, huh? I know there were Bleach or Naruto but isn’t Haikyuu!!’s play adaptation first time?”


Saori (*゚∀゚)σ “Actually, it’s not the first time! It’s been played since 2015 and in 2017, the new play about the battle of Karasuno High School and Shiratorizawa Academy will even be released!”





Boss(  'ω') “..........”


Saori (*゚∀゚)σ “Mmm? Why are you quiet, Boss?”



Boss(  'ω') “I think though...”



Saori (*゚∀゚)σ “You think what?”



Boss(  'ω') “Even though there have recently been more and more play adaptations from anime or manga, are they really able to express beauty of their originals...?”



☆☆More and More Anime Have Been Made into Plays in 2017! What’s The Charm That We Feel from Such Plays?!☆☆



Saoriヽ(´Д`;)ノ “Wow. I’m so surprised at how serious you became all the sudden...”


Boss(  'ω') “I mean... I’m absolutely happy that my favorite originals are trying various media developments but I think it’s a little too much, don’t you think? For instance, how about Haikyuu? The best part of this story is a thrilling game’s development or clashing of each character... I’m just wondering how they can express those charms in just two hours, you know?”





Saori(゜∇ ゜) “I can totally understand it, Boss... Actually, they can produce this kind of play with a low budget. (I don’t think every play applies to this though...) I’ve heard that they’re reasonable enough to make two-hour play for the budget of one episode of anime.



Saori(゜∇ ゜) “But!!! They never cut corners to make plays ‘just because it’s a low budget’!! The best charm of this kind of play adaptation is ‘how well they express original’s scenes or characters’, which also becomes the absolute point to enjoy the plays!!”





Saori(゜∇ ゜) “For instant, what kind of stage do you think they would make to express the actual volleyball game’s scene in Haikyuu!!’s play?”


Boss(  'ω') “Mmm? Let me see... Since it has to be like a gym, they would make indoor-like atmosphere or set up the volleyball net in the middle...”





Saori(゜∇ ゜) “I thought you would think that! But in Haikyuu!!’s stage, they never use a volleyball’s net (in any scenes)!




Boss(  'ω') “Whaaaaat? It doesn’t make sense! Are they able to express the real volleyball game though?”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Of course! They express each scene in their complete thought! Surprisingly, there would be more problems if they set up the net by reducing its attractions such as limiting actors and actress’ movement, being unable to show their faces due to the net. Most of the times, if they set up the perfect stage just like the original, it’s impossible for actors and actress to play their performances dynamically on stage. Expressing without what they are usually supposed to have? That’s the best part of the play!



Boss(  'ω') “By the way, what anime do you want to see in play, Saori?”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Since all the fantasy works can recently be expressed with the image function called ‘Projection Mapping’... I want to watch Yuri!! on Ice. If they announce they won’t use any skating rink or roller blade in advance, I’d definitely go watch it! I feel so excited just to imagine how they are going to express that beautiful skating scene!”



Boss(  'ω') “Mmm... I’d want to go if MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS is made into play! I bet it’s very hard to express Gundam on stage and I wonder how they would express it if they actually do.”



Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Like this, it’s so fun to just imagine ‘how is that story going to be?’ and it’s more fun to actually watch the play and think ‘Oh, that’s how they express this story!’!”



Boss(  'ω') “...We’ve shared some information about this play adaptations but I thought it might be a little hard for people overseas to watch Japanese plays especially because of the language, no?


Saori (*゚∀゚)σ “Nope! Guess what? They have just developed such a groundbreaking item! Tadaaa! MULTILINGUAL CAPTION SYSTEM ‘Zimaku Air’!!!!!



Saori (*゚∀゚)σ “The caption is displayed in the lens part and when ‘NARUTO-ナルト-‘ was played, Zimaku Air, which corresponds with English, Chinese, French and Korea’s captions were provided!!!”


Boss(  'ω') “That means if this system is introduced more, lots of anime fans overseas will be able to enjoy those plays more!”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Yep! No doubt!!! So you guys! Please check out what kind of works are going to be made into plays from now on! Alright then, we’ll see you guys at the next update!”


Bye now~!!!


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