Holy Night Cooking Competition by Otaku Republic members!


Merry Christmas!  Holy Night Cooking Competition by Otaku Republic members! 



(゜∇ ゜) “Everyboooooody!  Merry Christmas!  It’s Saori from Otaku Repubic!”






(  'ω') “I mean... what....?”


What’s your special memory on Christmas? Christmas Saori Press!



(  'ω') “I believe you have said ‘Merry Christmas’ in this article above and have had a special article for Christmas already too, no...?”



(゜∇ ゜) “That’s true!  But it wasn’t actually a ‘true Merry Christmas’!”



(  'ω') “It wasn’t a true Merry Christmas...?”


(゜∇ ゜) “Yep!  Today, which is December 25th, is the very day for Christmas!  There is no way I, who love to do merrymaking things, won’t do anything on such a wonderful day, right?!!”



(  'ω') “Ahhhh, yeah...?”



(゜∇ ゜) “So, for today!  It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?!  Here we go!  We are now holding a ‘Chiki-Chiki Christmas Cooking Competition Part 2!!!!






(  'ω') “Mmmmmmmm?!”



(  ゚Д゚) “Are you guys ready, Otaku Republic members?!”






(  'ω') “Mmmmmmmm!  I don’t think we have this many staff though!!!!”



(  ゚Д゚) “Here is your mission on Christmas!!!  Feed Saori (me) delicious, happy and awesome dishes!!!!”



(  'ω') “What?  You’re not gonna make anything?”



(・ω<) “C’mooon!  We have to have a fair judge for a fair competition, right? I’m the one among all of the Otaku Republic members, who deserves to be that judge who has this gourmet tongue!”



(  'ω') “(Even though I don’t really get that ‘gourmet tongue’, when it comes to a greedy pic...) Yep!  You are the one!



~A couple days later~



(灬・ω・灬) “Soari-San!  Here’s what I made!”



(゜∇ ゜) “Oh, here you are, Junko-San, who is in charge of packing with heart of relief, safety and sincerity!  Thank you!  So what kind of dish did you make?!”



(灬・ω・灬)“Hehe♪  Here are the ingredients!”




(゜∇ ゜) “Hamburg steak... maybe...?”



(灬・ω・灬) “I’ll knead all these ingredients with my hand...”




(灬・ω・灬) “and then put boiled eggs inside as a secret ingredient...”




(灬・ω・灬) “And then bake it with oven.  Here it is!  Meatloaf is ready!”



ΣΣ(゚Д゚;) “Whoa, whoaaaaaaaaaaaa!  Even though we have only two pictures of the procedure, it really looks delicious!!!  I should definitely have put this dish in the end of this article!”



(灬・ω・灬) “But I’ll make another dish since it’s not still enough!  Here are the ingredients!”




(灬・ω・灬) “I’ll put these in the rice maker....”



(灬・ω・灬) “and make them with rice in the rice maker!”




(灬・ω・灬) “Here it is!  Piping hot shrimp pilaf is ready!”




(灬・ω・灬) “Here we go, Saori-San!  Enjoy these perfectly delicious Christmas dishes...?”



(๑´`๑) ~ Tasting Time ~



(灬・ω・灬) “I’m so nervous and excited❤”






(゜∇ ゜) “Since I love meat, I’ll add extra scores on yours!”


(灬・ω・灬) “Thank you!”



(  'ω') “Wowow, hold up!!!!”



(๑´ㅂ`๑) “Oh?  What, Boss?  Apparently, I mis-organized the order, putting this LasBos (Last Boss) at the very beginning....  I wonder if you can beat her though... om nom nom nom nom.”



(  'ω') “Do not talk with your mouth full.  And here’s what.  Try what I made next!”



( `д・´) “Are you serious...?  Isn’t he getting unsettled even after he saw that gorgeous picture-like dishes...?  What on earth did he make?!”



(  'ω') “Here is the ingredient!”




( ´_ゝ`)






(  'ω') “I’ll bake them in the oven! Tadaaaaa!!”



( ´_ゝ`) “If my memory is right... I’ve seen something like this at Halloween too...”


★Special Saori Press★Happppppppppy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeen!



(  'ω') “You don’t know, Saori...  These are totally different from the ones at Halloween!”



( `д・´) “Kidding?!!!!  Let me taste it then!!!!”



(๑´`๑) ~Tasting Time ~



(  'ω') “Hehehe....”






(゜∇ ゜) “I’m sorry but even me, who is the only one who has the gourmet tongue, can’t tell the difference though....”



(  'ω') “Just look at them more closely.  The shapes are different, right?”


( ´_ゝ`) “Okay now, go ahead, next candidate.”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “Saori-Senpai!  Here’s what I made!”



(゜∇ ゜) “Oh, here comes Ayami!  Thanks!  What did you make?!!!”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “Yep!  Here are the ingredients that I used!!!!”





(゜∇ ゜) “Rocket (herb vegetable)?  Onion...., ham, egg and ketchup...?”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “First!  I’ll finely chop onion and ham!”




(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “Then boil pasta a until it is a little soft!”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “And make a crape-like fried egg like in the picture below and put the ketchup Rice with onion, ham and ketchup in it!”



(゜∇ ゜) “Yeah!  It’s Omelet rice, huh?!!”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “Nope!  It’s Ohmu rice!!!”





ヾ(;;Д;;)ノ “Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “By the way, Ohmu is the gigantic insect that appeared in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind(Kaze no Tani no Naushika.”






ヾ(;゚;Д;゚;)ノ “Why in the world did you make such an ominous thing?!!”


(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “You told us to make a happy dish, and I’ve also wanted to make this for a long time, you know?!”


ヾ(;;Д;;)ノ “Oh, then I’ll eat it some other time!!!”



(´;ω;`) “Ahhh... won’t you eat...?”



ヾ(;;Д;;)ノ “Mmm.”



(๑´`๑) ~Tasting Time ~



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “I’m so nervous and excited



(。-`ω-) “Ahhh... I mean...”



(੭  ›ω‹ )੭ “How is it?”






(。-`ω-) “Unlike how it looks.... it’s tasty.”



ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ “I did!!!”



(  'ω') “Oh well, the inside is just a normal omelet rice, right?  It looks unique though...”



ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ “Oh by the way, if we add some spinach to the egg and use mushroom instead, it will look more like a real one!”





(;;Д;;) “Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!”








( ´_ゝ`) “Phew... I’ve never eaten such gross omelet rice.  It did taste good though.”




(ง `ω´)ง “Saori-San!  Thank you for waiting!”



(゜∇ ゜) “Oh?  It’s Yuki, who has been supporting Otaku Republic, being in charge of system maintenance!  Thank you for making our website easy to use!  What kind of dish did you make, Yuki?”



(ง `ω´)ง “Mine is awesome!  It looks beautiful and tastes good!  Just like the one we can eat at the restaurant!”



(゜∇ ゜) “For real?!!!  I can’t wait!!!”



(ง `ω´)ง “Thank you for waiting!  Here it is!!!”






(゜∇ ゜) “...........”



(ง `ω´)ง “Now!  Let’s have a taste!!!”



(๑´`๑) ~ Tasting Time ~



(ง `ω´)ง “How is it?!”






(´`) “It’s like as if I’m eating freshly-made entucky ried hicken.”



(ง `ω´)ง “Wow!  Thanks for your great compliment!”



(´`) “How long did it take to make these?”



(ง `ω´)ง “It didn’t take that much, I guess!”



(´`) “How much did it cost for all the ingredients?”



(ง `ω´)ง “It was about 3,000 yen, including tax!”



(๑´`๑) “Did you make them?”



(ง `ω´)ง “I bought them!!!!!”






(*˘˘*) “You look so shocked, Saori-San.  I’ll offer the one that you will like the most, okay?!”



(゜∇ ゜) “Here you are!  It’s Ryo, who always responds customers’ questions at Otaku Republic!  You said you’re good at cooking, didn’t you?  You regretted that you couldn’t join the Halloween cooking contest, right?”



(*˘︶˘*) “Yep!  I tried so hard so that you can eat my specialty!”




(゜∇ ) “I just wanna lick the one on the left bottom with a spoon.”


(*˘︶˘*) “Senpai, be patient!  It will look even better now!”




(*˘︶˘*) “Mix them all together and bake it...”




(゜∇ ゜) “Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!  It’s a chocolate cake!!!!!”





(*˘︶˘*) “Since the crème inside is so thick, you will be satisfied with it, a chocolate-lover, Saori-San!”



(๑´`) ~ Tasting Time ~






(´`) “................”



(*˘︶˘*) “Saori-San?”



(  'ω') “Saori?.....!!!!!!!”





(  'ω') “She’s... dead....”



(*˘︶˘*) “Nope.  She just fell asleep being satisfied with the one she just ate.”



(´`) “Zzzzzzzzz…



(  'ω') “Oh well.  Let’s celebrate Christmas, leaving her there!  The winner in this battle is everybody except Yuki!  Good job, guys!  Well!  Let’s have fun and eat!!!!”



(ง `ω´)ง “Since I bought a lot of entucky ried hicken, let’s enjoy them too!





(´`) “mumbling...  I hope you all will have a lovely Christmas...  See you guys!..... Zzzzz


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