★Special Saori Press★It’s about time this year! Happy Birthday!


ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦) “Hi, everyone!  Happy Birthday!  It’s Saori from Otaku Republic!”



ε=ε= (  'ω') “Hi, everybody, Happy Birthday!  I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss!”






₍₍ (ง ˘ω˘ )ว ⁾⁾ “Boss!  I somehow feel blessed!  Whose birthday is it, by the way?”



₍₍ (ง  'ω')ว ⁾⁾ “Right.  I feel like celebrating her too!  September 12 is of course....”



☆Whose birthday is September 12th?!  Yes!  This girl, right?!☆







₍₍ (  'ω') ⁾⁾ “It’s Kotori-chan (from Love Live’s) birthday!!!”






(;´Д`) “I, I mean.... You know?  Maybe the person who has a birthday might be more realistic...?”



(  'ω') “Then Shinozaki Ayumi-Chan from Corpse Party?”





(;´Д`) “Yeahhh, she might be more realistic for sure but... the one who has shorter hair and...”



(  'ω') “Then Mukahi Gakuto-Kun from Prince Of Tennis?”





(;´Д`) “I mean... he has a short hair for sure but... the one who is more gorgeous and...”



(  'ω') “Let’s see... is it Kusatsu Kinshirō-Kun from Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love!?”





(;´Д`) “Ahhh, I mean he IS refined but....!  More like!  Close!  Close like the one who is right beside you!!!!  That’s her birthday!!!!!”



(  'ω') “Oh.  It’s Mantarou-Kun who moved next to me the other day from Animal Crossing, right?!!!”






((((;ノ゚皿゚)ノ “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!  Me!  It’s ME!!!!  September 12 is MY birthday!!!!!”



☆Once again, Happy Birthday!  Saori! ☆



(  'ω') “Hahaha.  I knew it of course.  Happy Birthday, Saori.”



ヽ( `皿´ )ノ “My GOD!  Shinozaki-San, who you said first, was closest to me, looking all of them over!!!  You were completely teasing me, weren’t you?  I’ll never forgive you!!!”



(  'ω')っ “Hahaha.  Sorry, sorry.  Even though you are super mad right now, I know that you cannot help but shut up if you see this.









(*○゜∀。)/☆*。*.・+ “Uhya hya hya hya lol !!!!!  My favorite chocolate cake!!!!  Chocolate cake!!!  Chocolate cake!!!  I’ll eat it now!



(  'ω') “Oops, I thought it was going to be the brake but it turned out to be the gas pedal.”



(*○゜∀。)/ “Yahoo!!  I’ll eaaa...”





( ´゚д゚`)





( ´゚д゚`)?????????



(  'ω') “We never mis-ordered.”



(;´∀`) “I haven’t said anything yet though.”



(人 'ω') “All the birthday wishes and thoughtfulness from people around the world made it three cakes this year!  Miraculous!”



(*○゜∀。)/ “Yayyyy!!!! Thank you all from around the world!”



(人 'ω') “Okay, then let’s eat!”





(*○゜∀。)/  ( 'ω') “Ittadakimaaaasu!! (=I’ll eat it now!!)



(  'ω') “Let’s share and enjoy it together



( ゚д゚) “Oops...!”





(  'ω') “Let’s share and enjoy it together❤”








(゜ロ゜) Wai...






(゜ロ゜) Wwwait!!!!





(;ロ;) Waaaaaaiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








(゜ロ゜) Wai...





(゜ロ゜) Wwwait!!!!





(;ロ;) Waaaaaaiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



(  'ω') “Oh?”


ヽ(Д)ノ「You’re such an ogre!!  A devil!!  And brute!!  How can you do that?  That’s so cruel!!!!」



(  'ω') “Oh?  I really feel deja-vu being abused by you like that...”



ヽ(;Д;)ノ “What the heck!  What the heck!  A grudge from Nyanko-Sensei last year!  A grudge from such a cute puppy this year!!!!”






(  'ω')っ










(((*´μ`*))))  Yummyyyyy~~❤



(  'ω') “We have more this year!!!  You know we have new faces like Ayami....!!!”





(  'ω') “We ordered pizza this year too!!!!!!!”



( ´゚д゚`)



(  'ω') “We never mis-ordered them.”






☆It’s time for the presents that Saori got!  I’ll show you guys a wonderful picture that I got from everybody in the office.☆






(。-ω-) “I feel my stomach has completely given up working.”



(  'ω') “What a coincidence.  I have the same feeling from my stomach too.  Oh well, it’s about time!  Let’s give Saori a present!



(*゚▽゚*) “Yeaaahhhhh!  Yahooooo!!!”



(  'ω')っ “Here❤you are❤”




( ´゚д゚`)Mm...



(人  'ω') “Alright then!  Open it now!”



( ´゚д゚`) “I mean... this completely looks like.....”






(人  'ω') “You’re fine!  They won’t go bad!  So, open it now!!!”



(;´Д`) “I’m worried...  what if some weird stuff came out from the box...!”




o(^O^*=*^O^)o “Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”



(人  'ω') “Your favorite IGGY and Nyanko Sensei!  Congrats!!!!”





o(^O^*=*^O^)o “They are a tissue cover and an iPhone case?!  Thank you so much!!!!!  I’ll decorate them now!!!



(  'ω') “No way, just use them.  Oh, here are some wonderful pictures and photos from people all over the world too!!!”
































。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。 “Aww... you guys!  You drew such wonderful picture in such a short time for me...!  Thank you so much!  Thank you for a cute cat’s photo too!”



(  'ω') “And of course, thank you so much for giving me a birthday wish even to me like ‘Happy  Birthday!  Boss!!  You know what?  Such messages will surely encourage us to work harder from now on.”






o(^O^*=*^O^)o “To all of you, thank you so so so... much!  This is all for today!”



(  'ω') “Oh?  We’ll do my birthday special next?”



o(^O^*=*^O^)o “Alright then guys!  See you all next week!!!”



(  'ω') “Mm?  We’ll have my birthday party next week, right?”



(  'ω')* + 。・゚・。・ヽ(*´∀`)ノ “See you guys all!!!!”




<<<<★Saori Press Vol.63★A special article for rabbit characters!


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