【How To Fight】Spring 2024 Anime! The Weakest High School Student Counterattacks Bullies and Streamers with “View Counts”! The Smash Hit “Fighting” Manga Finally Gets Animated!

Hello everyone. Today, we're introducing Spring 2024 anime...... and the work we're discussing isn't based on a regular manga! It's an incredible manga that has been read over 2 billion times worldwide! I'm Boss from Otaku Republic, looking forward to it.
Hello everyone~!!! 2 billion times worldwide!? That's quite impressive!! I'm Saori from Otaku Republic, feeling that the Spring 2024 anime lineup is going to be quite substantial! Let's check out what kind of manga it is right away!

【How To Fight】Spring 2024 Anime! The Weakest High School Student Counterattacks Bullies and Streamers with “View Counts”! The Smash Hit “Fighting” Manga Finally Gets Animated! How To Fight!

The original work is a webtoon from South Korea! A popular series with over 2 billion total views on “LINE Manga”!

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Before that!...... The manga How To Fight we're introducing this time is a bit different from regular manga. It's in the so-called “webtoon” format...... Saori, do you know about it?
I kind of know about it! It's a manga format specialized for ease of reading on the web, where you can progress by scrolling down. So, instead of expanding horizontally, it grows vertically, which is a feature unique to this web-based medium. It's widely read online now, known for being easy to read and offering a fresh experience.
Exactly, these “webtoon” format comics have been rapidly adapted into anime recently, making quite the buzz. How To Fight is one of these “webtoon” format comics. It's different from regular comics, being specialized for the web format, so if you've never read one before, definitely check it out!

Reintroducing What How To Fight Is!?
The weakest high school student, who had been at the mercy of streamers to earn money for his mother's treatment, finds himself broadcasted worldwide in a fight scene......!?

What kind of work is How To Fight, which is being adapted into anime this time?
The story's protagonist is a high school boy with a sick mother. To earn money for her treatment, he becomes submissive to streamers and takes “being bullied” as a part-time job...... But one day, he stumbles upon a secret channel. The channel teaches him methods of “fighting.” Learning “How To Fight” on his own from this channel, the protagonist grows from being the weakest to rising up...... That's the story.
Oh wow! The portrayal in the “webtoon” format and in the anime adaptation seems like it would be quite different, and that sounds interesting! If you're curious about the “webtoon” style of manga, definitely experience the fun of manga through How To Fight!
How To Fight

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