(USED) Doujinshi - Touken Ranbu / Hizamaru x Higekiri (【A5サイズ版】傾国) / BLACK LABEL

Doujinshi - Touken Ranbu / Hizamaru x Higekiri (【A5サイズ版】傾国) / BLACK LABEL
  • Doujinshi - Touken Ranbu / Hizamaru x Higekiri (【A5サイズ版】傾国) / BLACK LABEL
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Item Description

categoryTouken Ranbu (刀剣乱舞)
product typeDoujinshi, Manga
main characterHizamaru (Touken Ranbu), Higekiri (Touken Ranbu)
couplingHizamaru (Touken Ranbu) x Higekiri (Touken Ranbu)
release date2018-3-18

Customer Review

Average 5.0 (1 reviews)
I love Black Label's covers and illustrations
by Lorey Sept. 2, 2019
This is the first doujinshi from this circle I have purchased. I actually ran across it (and the others by accident). I was scrolling through pictures on Pinterest and came across some of these beautiful Touken Ranbu images. A few days later, while shopping this site (my second home!!), I ran across this. I was so excited to purchase such a lovely book. My favorite of this pairing is Hizamaru and I loved how he was drawn. So beautiful.

This book is beyond my reading skills in Japanese due to Kanji. I am close to entering that level of learning Japanese. So close but it is so very far at the same time. If you have or are in the process of learning Japanese, you understand what I mean about Kanji. For me, this book is like a novel with illustrations. For someone learning to read and write Japanese, it's what I consider a stepping stone to master before moving onto doujin novels without illustrations. That being said, I am thrilled to have it and did my best, slowly taking in each page, one right after the other, not being intimidated by Kanji. This is what I experienced:

This book feels so peaceful and quiet to me. Each page is beautifully illustrated and dripping with raw emotion. The story itself pulls you along and into the complex bliss of each chapter, each situation. It is ever changing and moves forward to an end, almost like a whisper. I know this seems like a weird review but it is how I feel.

When you are learning Japanese, it takes each doujinsh you have to a whole new level. Rather than just buying books for illustrations (no judgement, I do it too!), you are able to understand the panels as a story, little by little.

Wow, this doujinshi was intriguing. Each moment mourned, celebrated, every tear and drop of blood shed quietly takes over your senses. If you are looking for doujinshi with hot sex scenes, this isn't for you. If you want to experience a story capable of drawing you in, this is for you. I really like the work of this circle and will be purchasing more in the future.

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