Original doujinshi, ぼくの小鳥ちゃん01.

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  • Flivine
    I would like to know if you'd be able to get ぼくの小鳥ちゃん01by Prinz. She will be present at comitia, her stand is v08b. It is a doujinshi, the price is 500¥. As I don't live in Japan, I am unable to attend the event. If you participate this event, please take this book for me. >.<

    Thank you very much.

    Link here : http://yoooooori.tumblr.com/post/41586732729/01-v08b-a5-36p-500

  • Shingo Iwakiri STAFF

    Thank you for your request.

    If it is sold by mail-order, we can get it instead of you.
    We will let you know in that case.

    Could you tell us your email to inform via URL below?

    Best Regards,
    Shingo Iwakiri

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