【Conan Movie】Must-Watch for Akai Shuichi Lovers!

※Please note that this article contains some slight spoilers about the movie, Conan, which released in April 2021! No spoilers about the ending, though.
Hello, everyone. I have just gone watched the movie, following thorough infectious disease measures, when not so many people were there. I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss. By the way, this is what I got there as a special gift.
Hello everyone. Just by seeing that special gift, I could guess what movie you went to watch, Boss. It’s Saori from Otaku Republic!
How did you like it~?
It was awesome!
So today! I’ll be sharing my feedback of the movie, Conan! This might contain some spoilers so be careful~!

【Conan Movie】
The Latest One Now Showing!
Must-Watch for Akai Shuichi Lovers!

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What Is the Movie, Conan?

The movie, Conan, is the Conan’s movie series, releasing every year. It’s a newly created anime’s movie releasing around April and May every year. This latest one is the 24th in series.
The title is Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet and it was supposed to release in April 2020, however, due to the pandemic, it released in April this year, extending one whole year.
Wow, it’s already 24th, huh~?
This series always has a specific theme but what was the theme for this one?

The Theme for the Latest One Is?

The theme for this one are Akai Shuichi and his family, ‘Akai Family’!
In the story, a world-famous sports festival takes place and an electric linear was developed, running through the main cities in Japan for the festival. It runs 1,000 km/h, which is one of the biggest Japanese technologies but…… an incredible incident occurs through this linear……!
And Akai Family will be involved in that incident, huh?
Yep. But after the incident happened, all the four members of Akai family wouldn’t try to solve the incident, helping with each other…… It’s more like each member gets involved with it in a different timing…… Ahh~~~ this is it for now! But yeah~ Just couldn’t take my eye off of it!!
Akai Shuichi
Haneda Shuukichi
Sera Masumi
Mmm…… Was any info about Akai-San which hadn’t revealed depicted?
Nope. I don’t think so. Rather, the story focuses on the relationship of Akai Family, which wasn’t depicted in manga!
For instance (I’m skipping their names), the oldest girl and the mother think that the oldest boy, Akai-San, is already dead and they don’t know he is pretending to live as Okiya Subaru. However, the second oldest boy knows that he is still alive. All these were depicted fragmentally in manga but in this movie, more details are depicted such as how each character is connected to each other!
Mmm…… more specifically?
I should avoid that part since it’s going to be a big spoiler but I should say you can see how each Akai Family member interacts, which we can’t see in manga! So, for those who want to know more about Akai Family, this is it!

Another Featured Character Besides Akai Family?

I want you to pay attention to Akai Family most, which I mentioned above but…… another featured character was Ai-Chan~!!
Haibara Ai
Oh? How was she involved!?
That’s the secret but…… she has appeared most among all the Conan movies, I guess!
She supported Conan so well and even played an active role after the incident was solved too! It’s not too much to say that she is the second key character! You can see such adorable Ai-Chan in the everyday-life part too! Ai-Chan lovers, you must watch it!

Feedback of the Movie! By Boss

What’s your score out of 100?
It’s 83!!!
Only that much……?
What? 80 is high, no?
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Since I love Akai Family and Ai-Chan, I was quite satisfied! The scenario was fun and I was surprised at who the culprit was and how the climax was depicted!
But yeah…… The reason why I didn’t give 100 is I really didn’t see any unexpected element? I bet those who love Akai Family will definitely love it! That’s Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet, I guess!
Oh, by the way…… regarding the one releasing next year, the author, Aoyama-Sensei, mentioned something. Here’s the illustration he drew as a hint! He is in the event, commemorating this movie’s releasing!
Wow!!! They are such popular characters in manga too, huh??
Why don’t you check out this latest movie along with new info about the next movie?
Already now! This is all for today! We’ll see you all at the next article!!
Bye now~!!

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