【My Hero Academia】Attractions of the HeroAca “Villains”!

※Please note that this article contains the spoilers about the characters appearing in Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia).
Hello everyone! Speaking of villains? …… I would imagine joker right away! I wasn’t mentally okay for a while after I watched the movie…… It’s Saori from Otaku Republic.
Hello everyone. Speaking of villains…… I would imagine the ones appearing in the story, standing in the protagonist’s way. I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss.
Yeah…… In the story, the villains play the role conflicting with the main protagonists but sometimes they have strong belief or sad past…… That’s the ‘villains’!
Of course the villains play such active roles not only in the movie but also in anime!
So today! We’ll be featuring some ‘villains’ in a particular anime series! The anime is……!

【Hero Academia】Attractions of the Evils!
Here Comes the Most Popular HeroAca Villains in Japan!

Most popular in Japan?
Yes, meaning…… the ones whose Doujinshi have released most at Otaku Republic! The more the series’ Doujinshi are released, the more those series attract the fans!
So! Among the characters appearing in Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia), we picked out some of the most featured characters today! Here we go!

Shigaraki Tomura
死柄木 弔

He is the leader of the League of Villains, which abuses the “Quirk.”
He always looks languorous and often shows his irritated feeling to things or people around him. He is very clever and when it comes to battling, he has a tactic of forcing the enemy into a corner with the perfect preparation.
While Deku grows up as the hero after they fight in the battle, Shigaraki is another key person, who grows as the “villain.” He hates the symbol of the hero, All Might, and denies everything about him.
His Quirk is “Decay.”
It allows him to disintegrate whatever he touches with all five fingers. The disintegration spreads quickly and will spread through the victim’s whole body. It even allows him to disintegrate a sturdy shelter or a human within a minute.
However, there is a condition when he uses it, where it won’t allow him to disintegrate victims unless his all five fingers touch them. Another weak point is that it won’t activate right away so there is usually a time lag.
But again, it starts to activate right away as soon as his all five fingers touch the victims even without his intention. Therefore, he always has to be careful not to touch things or people with more than one finger.

Toga Himiko
トガ ヒミコ

She is a major antagonist and is an only-girl member of the League of Villains, led by Shigaraki.
She looks just like a normal high school girl but the personality is full of craziness, where once she likes a particular person, she becomes attached with his/her so strongly. Her type is “the one who smells blood and looks worn out.” As she imitates the one she likes, she can’t resist “wanting to be like him/her,” ending up cutting his/her up.
Her Quirk is “Transform.”
This Quirk grants her the ability to transform into a physical lookalike of another individual. She can transform into people and remain looking like him/herself for a whole day if she drinks a cup of blood. She can even copy their voice too. She feels super happy cutting up the one she likes, transforming with his/her blood.
Later on, the Quirk gets awaken and she is also able to use the victim (which she has transformed into)’s “Quick” too.
This Quirk is very good at covert actions and escaping, and she has once been able to undercover Hero’s actions while she is still transformed in another body.

Twice (Bubaigawara Jin)
トゥワイス(分倍河原 仁)

He is a Villain affiliated with the League of Villains and is part of its Vanguard Action Squad.
His costume is a black and gray bodysuit that covers his body completely. He also has measuring tapes wrapped around his left arm. He is so talkative that he talks twice as much as a normal person. (For instance, he denies what he has said, such as ‘Oh? I know him! Who is it?’ Basically, the first utterance has his honest feeling.)
His Quirk is “Double.”
It’s a very simple Quirk, granting him the ability to create an exact duplicate of anything. His tactic’s characteristic is quantity matters, not quality. He duplicates himself and the newly born double duplicates another…… By doing that repeatedly, he increases the numbers of his doubles. The weak point is that it’s not that durable. Also, since he duplicates the double, under the info, which Twice himself observes, sometimes a weird looking trash is created unless he observes it very carefully.


He is a manor antagonist, affiliated with the League of Villains and the leader of the organization’s Vanguard Action Squad.
His most noticeable features include a set of burnt, purple, scarred skin. These scars are attached to the remainders of his skin with metallic staples.
He strongly admires “Stain (the killer of the heroes) and his ideology.” He has no mercy of killing the heroes even if they are little children to “purge the fake heroes,” which is his own reason to take actions.
Since he is comparatively calm among all the leagues, he tends to command or lead other members, however, he has “craziness” aspect in him as well.
His Quirk hasn’t officially been revealed yet.
He is able to make blue flames from his hands and the extent of his ability is hot enough to burn people to a crisp with one hit. However, if he keeps using the power for a long period of time, it sometimes affects himself. By the way, 荼毘 / Dabi means “cremating dead bodies” in Japanese.

Overhaul (Chisaki Kai)
オーバーホール(治崎 廻)

He is the captain of another villain’s organization called the Shie Hassaikai, which is not the League of Villains.
He serves as the primary antagonist of the organization, formed by the villains, also known as Yakuza, with Quirks. There are not so many members who belong to this organization but they play such an active role.
He is in the top class executive, followed by the leader, and they have a huge ambition of controlling the back society on their own. He is always very careful and has a high ability of reading the hearts and minds of the people. He has felt a debt of gratitude to the leader of Shie Hassaikai, who has taken care of him, as if he’s his parent, and at the same time, he is very worried about the future of Shie Hassaikai, now being destroyed by the heroes.
His Quirk is “Overhaul.”
It grants him the ability to disassemble anything he touches, as well as reassemble it in any configuration he desires instantly. He can also disassemble people to kill them or reassemble them to heal their wounds instantly. He can even merge two different bodies as well. This Quirk is super powerful that it generates instantly without any time lag, even with his own timing. Since it has no big reactions, it’s also good at a long combat. If the victim dissembled is a human, he/she dies instantly.
Looking back all the Quirks’ characteristics like this, most of them seem ‘driving the enemies into a corner, just by touching them,’ huh?
Yeah! That’s why all the battle scenes are depicted in a tense atmosphere and we feel that they are the incredible existence…… Some villains are born to be liking to harm others but most of them come to hate the heroes due to their past experiences, according to the storyline……!
So Season 5 of such a popular anime, My Hero Academia, is now scheduled to air in Spring 2021 (probably in April)! Before Season 5 airs! Why don’t you check out the outline of Season 1 to 4 this year?
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12,000 in Total! Check HERE for My Hero Academia’s Doujinshi!
Already now! This is all for today! We’ll see you all at the next article!
Bye now~!

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