【Coupling Column】Vol.30 Final Fantasy VII!

※This article includes some spoilers of Final Fantasy VII.
Hello everyone! It’s Saori from Otaku Republic!!
The【Coupling Column】I’ll feature today is……!
the one whose remake version is releasing! Yeah! It came back after decades!

【Coupling Column】Vol.30
Final Fantasy VII!


Zack Fair x Cloud Strife【Zakkura, Clack】

The relationship of the two: A boss and a subordinate. The best friends and……

What kind of character is Cloud Strife?

The main character of Final Fantasy VII. He starts a new chapter of his life as a skilled mercenary, who used to be hired by Shinra Electric Power Company. Currently, he is a 21-year-old man who owns the Jack-of-all-trades.
His favorite phrase is “Not interested” and he always tries to avoid getting closer to others. He is never willing to be involved with something that is not beneficial to him but he becomes eager to do things when he feels happy, which is a cute side of him. There is an event where they are dressed like a woman and sneak in one building. He loves to join the event too. Since he is amazingly handsome, his woman-like figure also looks lovely.
Since he was a mercenary hired by a super huge company, Shinra Electric Power Company, the physical strength is quite high too. He can control a huge sword whose size is almost the same as his body without any difficulty. He is extremely good at driving a bike too.
Final Fantasy VII starts when Cloud meets his childhood friend, Tifa.

What kind of character is Zack Fair?

He was dead when Final Fantasy VII started.
He was one of the mercenaries in Shinra Electric Power Company and he was also a skilled one. He had a boy-like personality, being always cheerful and friendly to anybody. He would encourage his buddy mercenaries who fight in the battle field cheerfully and they would call him a “puppy Zacks.”
These two were not friends with each other when they first met.
Zack was hired as a mercenary in Shinra Electric Power Company first and then Cloud came as a newcomer. Zack talked to Cloud cheerfully as usual and they found out that they were both from a countryside and their ideal figure was their boss and hero, Sephiroth. They then got along right away. Zack was a dependable boss for Cloud, who always cared about him so it didn’t take much time for Cloud to became open to Zack. Even though Cloud was not good at being sociable with people, Zack was very comfortable to be with, just like the sun, shining over him.
Even though they were initially a boss and a subordinate, they became the best friends.
However, Zack died before Final Fantasy VII started. The fact literally “affected Cloud so much.”

Sephiroth x Cloud Strife【Sefikura, SephCloud】

The relationship of the two: Used to be the ideal figure, which turned out to be the enemy

What kind of character is Sephiroth?

The strongest mercenary who belongs to Shinra Electric Power Company. He is a “Hero” who has accomplished various achievement. He is an ideal figure among all the young generations in this world. Even Zack and Cloud applied to their jobs in Shinra Electric Power Company, “wanting to become a mercenary like Sephiroth.”
He has an amazingly high physical ability and sword skill, along with high charisma.
He had a strong mental strength as well to complete all his duties calmly and perfectly. He was an “ideal officer” who always cherished his friends and subordinates. He was familiar to a newcomer, Zack, and always cared about him as his subordinate.
However, the relationship of the two changed due to one incident.
Sephiroth has once had a duty with then-newcomer, Cloud. Since the site happened to be Cloud’s hometown, Nibelheim, Sephiroth said to him, “you can go visit your family and friends.” He always cared about Cloud like that.
However, Sephiroth crucially “has changed” since then.
Sephiroth burnt down Nibelheim while he was on duty, betraying Shinra Electric Power Company. From that moment, for Cloud whose family was killed and hometown was destroyed, Sephiroth became “a person who he should knock down” from “a great person who he looked up to.”
Why did Sephiroth burn down Nibelheim and slaughter all the people in town?
Not knowing the reason, five years have passed. Cloud finally saw Sephiroth, who had been missing.

Cloud Strife x Tifa Lockhart【Cloti, Kurati】

The relationship of the two: Childhood friends and travel buddies who support with each other

What kind of character is Tifa Lockhart?

She is a childhood friend of Cloud, who also lived in Nibelheim.
After Sephiroth burned down Nibelheim, she tried to stop him from burning down, when she was attacked and ended up getting injured. After that, she was saved and belonged to anti-Shinra Electric Power Company organization, AVALANCHE, and secretly started working there.
She is a specialist of the martial arts, being cheerful and caring. Even though people think that she has an open-hearted personality, she is actually modest and cannot express her feelings. At the same time, she is a very responsible person so whenever something bad happens, she sometimes “blames on herself.”
She gets along well with another travel buddy, Aerith Gainsborough, even though their personalities are completely opposite. (While Aerith looks neat, clean, and fleeting, she is actually a strong-willed, active and positive woman.)
At the beginning of the story, Cloud and Aerith met and had a re-union with Tifa, then the destiny of these three started changing. Both Tifa and Aerith had a crush on Cloud and sometimes got competitive.
The relationship of Cloud and Tifa is a very important element in this story.
Because Cloud left his hometown, thinking “I want to be strong like Sephiroth and save Tife.” Since Cloud and Tifa had never met since the incident happened in Nebelheim five years ago, when they met again, the impression to each other had changed a lot.
Cloud and Tifa can’t be honest even though they are childhood friends, being conscious of loving each other, which is a good relationship. This relationship will change through various incidents and battles that they will go through……! It’s an attractive relationship……!!
So…… how did you like their relationships?
I’ve heard that this remake version is the “Vol.1”, right……?
So far, not all the FF7 have been remade yet. They’re still working on the scenes of the trip. Well, as for the Vol.2, how loyal is it to the original story……? Maybe all the relationships I wrote here might be changed??
Okay, this is all for today!
I’ll see you all at the next article! Bye now~!!

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