【Coupling Column】Vol.22 Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders!!!!

※ This Coupling Column is written under the author’s preference. We know all the Couplings in the world have full of freedom and love, and anybody has his/her own preference.
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Hello everyone! It’s Saori from Otaku Republic~! The segment Coupling Column which I’m featuring this week are the titles which were serialized in Shonen Jump! Especially I feature the titles whose Anime version were completed several years ago! Today too, I’ll feature THAT title with the original episodes!

Coupling Column Vol.22
Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders!!!!

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Saori(゜∇ ゜)
So for today’s Coupling Column, I’ll feature Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders! There are so many attractive characters in Jojo Part 3 and the storyline is mainly consists of the games of wits with dynamic battles!
Alright now! Here’s today’s Coupling Column! Let’s get started!”

Kujo Jotaro x Kakyouin Noriaki【Jotakak】

The relationship of the two: The best comrade in arms, who traveled for challenging 50 days together
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Who is Kujyou Jyoutarou?
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
He is the main character of Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders! Even though he is still a high school student, he is so clever and can deal with things very calmly. Therefore, he never loses whenever he fights.
Having a strong sense of justice, he never forgives those who abuse the weak or never hesitate to do inhuman actions, even though he is a quiet person! He usually acts like he is vicious but he is actually very kind!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Jyoutarou has superpower called【Stand】, which other characters in this story also have.
The name of the【Stand】is Star Platinum! It has overwhelming power, precision and speed, specialized with close combat! With this power, nobody could win in the hand-to-hand battles!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
And how about Kakyouin Noriaki?
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
He also has Stand, who targets Jyoutarou’s life, first being manipulated by DIO! Kakyouin, who lost the battle, was about to get killed, cursed by DIO, but was saved by Jyoutarou’s quick-witted action.
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Jyoutarou says, ‘I don’t know why’, being asked why he saved him. However, Kakyouin felt so indebted to him that he volunteered to go for the battle with Jyoutarou when they found out that Jyoutarou’s mother was at risk by DIO.
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
For Kakyouin, Jyoutarou meant a lot as the warrior who have the same superpower, Stand, having the same purpose traveling. Growing up, Kakyouin really didn’t have anyone to share his worries with since he wasn’t close to his parents who couldn’t see Stand, especially after Hierophant Green, who was his Stand, showed up.
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
That is why the 50 days trip, which he spent with Jyoutarou, who had the same superpower and admitted him as his buddy, must have been the best memory ever for Kakyouin!
They both will appear in every Episode after Episode 2, so check them out until the end…!

Kujo Jotaro x Dio Brando【JotaDio】

The relationship of the two: The strongest two, destined to kill each other
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Who is Dio Brando(DIO)?
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
He is Jonathan Joester (Jyoutarou’s great grandfather)’s brother-in-law and turned into a vampire, after he got the cursed Stone mask!
Over 100 years ago, Jonathan Joester gave the finishing blow to Brando, in exchange for his own life but contrary; he got the flesh of Jonathan and revived in this world, taking a lot of time!
As a descendant of Jonathan, Holy, who was a mother of Jyoutaro, was forced to have Stand’s ability and about to die, not being able to control herself…
To prevent that from happening, Jyoutarou and his buddies tried to kill DIO, who was revived in this world!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
His personality is best described as the【evil charisma】, being clever, ambitious, good at reading people’s mind and incredibly selfish.
The Stand, The World, which DIO owns, has overwhelming ability to stop the time. Using that ability and the ability that stops surprisingly strong physical strength that the vampire has, he tried to beat Jyoutarou and his buddies, who came to beat him…!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
So! They are both the key persons in this story but actually, the first time they met was at around Episode 46 (The final Episode was 48), meaning there weren’t much time for them to be together!
However, it’s not too much to say that the life-threatening battles, full of brains, in Episode 46, 47 and 48, are the best part in Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders!
This coupling can be the symbol in Part 3 so it’s understandable that they are this popular, huh…?

Muhammad Avdol x Jean Pierre Polnareff【Avpol】

The relationship of the two: Good guardians of their buddies and they soften everybody’s hearts
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Who is Muhammad Avdol?!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
He is a fortune-teller, who goes with Jyoutarou and his buddies for a trip to beat DIO and has superpower, called ‘Stand, Magicians Red, that can manipulate the flame!
Among all the buddies who went on the trip, he was the most serious character. He is so clever that he analyzes the enemies’ Stand abilities and leads the party to the victory!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Magicians Red controls the heat and the flame, fighting in the flame and being able to choose who he wants to flame, which can protect his buddies! Avdol-San’s serious and calm personality can hit an amazing idea in a pinch, which leads the party to the victory~!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
And how about Jean Pierre Polnareff, who are loved by everybody!?
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
He is a French boy, who showed up in front of Jyoutarou, being manipulated by DIO! He uses Stand as well and has ability called Silver chariot, where he can fight with the sword swiftly.
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
His ability is not fancy but every time Polnareff himself grows up in a trip, his fighting skills becomes improved!
Not only from his buddies but he gets evaluated so high also by the enemies that even his boss, DIO, thinks he’s too good to lose! He uses Stand so well!
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
But! Polnareff himself is very cheerful, even though he has a fierce past. He never fails to treat women in a gentle manner. That’s why he gets along with Avdol-San, who is also calm and playful (especially at the end of the Episode)…
What should I say? These two can heal everybody during the trip. In Anime, they supported with each other too. It’s hard to say it but I bet they meant a lot with each other…
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders is the title, which was completely reenacted from the original, remaining the same quality until the Final Episode! I bet many people like Part 3 most!?
Why don’t you watch Jojo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders, full of dramatic development and attractive characters?
Saori(゜∇ ゜)
Already now! I’ll see you all at the next article! Bye now~!!

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