【Promare】Watch Your Popcorn! Attraction-Like Promare 4DX!


※Please note that this article includes a large extent of spoilers of the movie, Promare.


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “So!!! It released on October 18th in Japan!! I went to watch【Promare 4DX】~!!!! The article today does include tons of spoilers so watch out!!”




【Promare 4DX】I Went To Watch Attraction-Like Promare 4DX! Watch Your Pop and Popcorn! I Felt So Immersed In It!







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★Don’t get a popcorn if you cherish your LIFE and CLOTHES. Your drink is gonna go away in FIVE minutes after the movie starts.




Boss(  'ω') “It shakes that bad?”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “YES, IT REALLY DOES. I should say it starts shaking slightly even when they shows the credits such as the name of the director. And then the story goes into the heroic scene where they extinguish everything. So if you don’t want to spill anything, I would recommend eating and drinking them in the first 3 to 5 minutes.”




★This is how the action scene goes. The bike is shaking, speeding, the wind is blowing because of the swinging weapon, and robots are massively running through the buildings…Everything’s gonna attack your butt, back and popcorn.




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Saori(゜∇ ゜) “And there’s another reason why I wouldn’t recommend getting popcorn. There is a scene, where we see such a delicious-looking pizza called ‘Inferno Volcano Margherita Mega Max Pizza’. We actually smell super good then.”








Boss(  'ω') “What?!?! You smell Pizza in 4DX!?!”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “YEP! I mean… it might not be pizza… but I actually smelled something delicious when we were watching that scene! Just a second, though! I just want you guys to enjoy that smell as much as possible… that’s why I would recommend not buying the popcorn…!”




★Here’s what! In the Japanese cooking studio, they’re holding a cooking class, where we can actually make ‘Inferno Volcano Margherita Mega Max Pizza’ too! It’s a lovely collabo, huh~???








★WATER and WIND! Extinguishing scene is literally, a STORM.




Saori(゜∇ ゜) “You see… the gun which shoots the cooling bullets… We often see the scene, where they shoot them. The more they shoot, the more wind our faces get.”







Boss(  'ω') “That… bad…. huh? So.. you wouldn’t recommend 4DX version for the beginners of Promare?”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “No, I didn’t mean that. I would recommend 4DX version even for the Promare beginners too! Why? Because Promare basically has “quiet” scenes, when they show us the serious things such as revealing the important secret. In other words, you can focus on watching such scenes comfortably, while we enjoy heroic action scenes.”







Saori(゜∇ ゜) “But anyhow, it does shake for sure. So if you first want to watch it, completely focusing on understanding everything, I would recommend watching the regular version! Then you can try this version so you understand fully and discover something new!”







★The last battle scene is literally a roller coaster. The fighting scene gives you extra shake! Even your seats shake a lot.








Saori(゜∇ ゜) “It shakes so bad that I feel like as if they were saying to us, ‘Hey, now you’re done with popcorn, right?’ If I give you more details…. From around here…”







Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Oh, yeah… we have a little rest in the scene with this one, huh?”







Saori(゜∇ ゜) “But as soon as that scene is over, there will be no resting. It’s a complete attraction. I felt as if I was riding a roller coaster in the movie theater.”








Saori(゜∇ ゜) “So! Even though we don’t get too hot or cold as you might be worried, we have four totally different elements, ‘wind, water, shake and delicious smell’, which make us feel really immersed into【Promare 4DX】. If you are brave enough, give it a try with some popcorn. When you get one, ask the vendor a paper bag for the popcorn so it won’t bother other people since they will be all over at the end of the battle scene. Or maybe you can enjoy eating and drinking before or after the movie. I would recommend it after the movie. Why don’t you go watch it with your friend and share your feedback?”







Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Already now! We’ll see you at the next update! Bye now~!”

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