Do you know what the “Kotatsu” is? Kotatsu×Anime!


【It Requires ONLY TWO Minutes to Read】Do you know what the “Kotatsu” is?

All the Anime Chara love it too! A Special Number for Kotatsu×Anime!



Boss(  'ω') “Hello everyone. I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss. Here’s a question for you. Have you ever seen this kind of heating appliance in Japanese Anime?”



Saori(゜∇ ゜) “This is one of the Japanese traditional heating appliances, called “Kotatsu”! It’s a MUST appliance in winter time, which keeps us warm! It’s a low table covered by heavy blanket with a heat source underneath!”



Boss(  'ω') “It’s dark, small and warm inside… It could easily be a cats’ favorite place, huh? Cute.”



Saori(゜∇ ゜) “If cats love it, then of course Anime Chara love it too! So today! We got all the scenes and illustrations together, which have this appliance, so we know how precious it is for us!”


Boss(  'ω') “So you guys, how many Chara in these Anime are you familiar with? Are you guys ready? Let’s go!”


【It Requires ONLY TWO Minutes to Read】Do you know what the “Kotatsu” is? All the Anime Chara love it too! A Special Number for Kotatsu×Anime!













Boss(  'ω') “Looking back like this, I can tell that the scenes with Kotatsu usually are peaceful and calm with Chara relaxing, huh?”


Saori(゜∇ ゜) “Right~! Kotatsu always makes us happy! That’s why all the Chara in these scenes are always relaxed with smiles on their faces… It’s such a lovely and happy appliance!”



Boss(  'ω') “But make sure… if you fall asleep in there, you might be dehydrated or even catch a cold because the top part of your body gets cold. So, please be very careful, okay? If you go to sleep, please go to your bedroom and do so!”



Boss(  'ω') “So you guys! If you find one in the future, give it a try and stay warm in there! Oki-doki! We’ll see you all at the next article! Bye~!”


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