How many Doujinshi are you going to buy in August?!


Did you already know how many Doujinshi you were going to buy at Otaku Republic in August?! Then why don’t you make use of a $99 coupon with the best deal?



Buy $99 Coupon, Get $5 Coupon!

Let’s enjoy shopping with us in August and get a bunch of Comiket92 items, using unlimited $99 Coupon!



(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ “Hello everybody! I’m a staff of Otaku Republic!”


(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ “Now it’s official! Only Available in AUGUST! $99 Coupon PLUS $5 Coupon for FREE! Yes! You’ll get a $5 coupon for free if you buy a $99 coupon in August!”



(σゝ∀・)σ “But I guess… some of you might be wondering what kind of event the Comiket is….?”



(゜д゜) “Why is everybody excited about Comiket especially in July and August sooooo baaaad? Let’s review what the Comiket is even though some of you might be already familiar with it!”



1.The number of the visitors is three or four times bigger than the ones in the regular events!



HARU COMIC CITY 21 March 13th, 2016





The Number of the Spaces: 8,224sp

Total Visitors: 62,614



Comiket90  August 12th~14th, 2016




The Number of the Spaces: 3,4000sp

Total Visitors: Day 1 150,000 / Day 2 170,000 / Day 3 210,000 / 530,000 in total



(゜∇ ゜) I just compared the number of the circles and the visitors in COMIC CITY with the ones in Comiket90, which both took place last year! It’s an overwhelmingly huge difference, isn’t it? (By the way, the venue of those events was the same.)


Both COMIC CITY and Comiket are the events where various genres (all-genre) of Doujinshi are announced!


By the way, the pictures shown below are the ones taken in HARU COMIC CITY 21. If we think that there are three or four times more visitors in Comiket than this…. we can definitely imagine how popular the Comiket is, huh?



HARU COMIC CITY 21 People Waiting outside the Venue



HARU COMIC CITY 21 Visitors in the Venue after the Event Is Open



2.The Number of Issued Doujinshi and Doujin Items Is Three Times More!



HARU COMIC CITY 21 5,489 items



Comiket 90 (Summer 2016) 14,169 items



(゜∇ ゜) This is a special page which we made last year at Otaku Republic but as you can see there too, there is a couple times difference between the number of the items!


One of the characteristics about HARU COMIC CITY is that there are more Doujinshi for women than men! On the contrary, there are more Doujinshi for men than women in Comiket, which means you can buy both evenly there!



3.…. That means... the number of Doujinshi which you might buy will be…?



(( ;゚Д゚)) If we apply this equation(?), you might buy three ~ four Doujinshi in August at Otaku Republic, if you buy one each month…!!


(゜∇ ゜) Because Comiket is the event that makes super major circles motivated, like “Yeah! Gotta write the new Doujinshi!”


(゜∇ ゜) In that case, the coupon that I shared with you at the beginning…. will be so useful!!



(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ “We’ll give away lovely present if you buy a $99 Coupon in August!!! For those who really want to get certain Comiket92 Doujinshi, this $99 coupon will be the MUST items! Why don’t you enjoy Comiket92 in August, shopping with us with the best deal?”

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