Doujinshi with Little Cute Characters!


【Doujinshi Review】Yuuri, Levi and Buddies Transform into Mysterious Creatures? Doujinshi with Little Cute Characters!


Look! Some familiar characters from Yuri!!! on Ice became little cute animals!

To me, I really liked Yurio’s Tibetan-sand-fox-like-small-eyes so I picked this one this time!


This is a peaceful story where he lives with other regular characters (the ones who are not distorted). Even after Yurio and Victor transformed into a cat and a rabbit, it seems that Yurio still has a sharp tongue and Victor still does things at his own pace!Anyways, I really love this Yurio who is just like a Tibetan sand fox! So cute!!!You will see cuter Yurio too in this Doujinshi’s individual page on website!


What is this Moomin-like character...


This is a character named 【むっぽちゃん=Muppo-Chan】. This character was originally born when fans were drawing a deformed-version Hoppou Seiki-Chan, and it ended up resembling Moomin. This is how it came out!


Doujinshi itself is “four-panel cartoon” so you’re able to enjoy it even if you cannot read Japanese! A mysterious life of Muppo-Chan... Check it out, guys!


Shokudaikiri Mitsutada Turned into a Dragon?!


It’s modern times. A dragon showed up all the sudden, visiting reincarnated Hasebe!

Mmm...? This dragon is somehow familiar to me...?

Wait. I think I’ve recently seen another anime where a dragon visited someone’s house all the sudden...?


Anyways... what kind of life are dragon- Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and dragon- Hasebe going to have?! To me, I prefer dragon’s forum! Let’s watch a handsome human-dragon (not too cute)!



I’ve seen this kind of deformed character before...?


But it’s CUTE.

These characters drawn with light colors are so lovely! I like all the characters having different-shaped eyes too!


This story is a “four-panel-cartoon” too so you’ll enjoy cute characters’ peaceful life! Since the anime, Shingeki no Kyojin, which has been airing now, has an interesting but a serious development, why don’t you get healed by this peaceful and lovely Doujinshi?!


How did you like all these Doujinshi that I picked this week?

Many more Doujinshi will be announced at SUPER COMIC CITY 26 taken place in May as well so please check them out too!


Alright then! We’ll see you all again soon~!


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