Give A Chocolate to Your Loved One! Valentine’s Day in JAPAN!


Give A Chocolate to Your Loved One! A Super Special Article for Valentine’s Day in JAPAN!



Boss(  'ω') “Hello everyone... It’s finally ‘Valentine’s Day’ tomorrow... I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss who’s a little excited about it...”


Saori (´・∀・`)っ “Oh My Goodness! I’m so excited about it too! Yep! It’s a ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!!!’ It’s Saori from Otaku Republic!”


Boss(  'ω') “Wow! Thanks!!! I cannot believe that I’m able to get a ‘Valentine’s Chocolate’ from you...!!!”





Boss(  'ω') “It has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”



How do we celebrate “Valentine’s Day” in Japan?



Saori (´・∀・`) “Oh well, you’re a little bit selfish, huh...? By the way, I bet many of you from overseas really don’t have any idea about the conversation that we just had.”



Boss(  'ω') “Right. Since Valentine’s Day is a little unique, compared to the ones celebrated overseas, it might be interesting for us to feature today!”



It’s Valentine’s Day on February 14th.

In Japan, women usually give men a present.

It’s a day when women give a special chocolate to men who they especially love.



Boss(  'ω') “That mean even if you steal my ice cream from the freezer and give it to me as a present, it has totally nothing to do with Valentine’s Day, okay?”


Saori (´・∀・`) “Oops... you already knew that I did... By the way, you can also give someone a present to show your gratitude even though women usually men chocolate! Because! We have various types of chocolate, you know???”



★Honmei (本命) Choco? Giri (義理) Choco? What kind of chocolates do we have?



Saori (゜∇ ゜) “Like we said above, we usually give chocolate to people on Valentine’s Day... but they actually have some types!”



●Honmei (本命)-Choco

Literally, this is a chocolate which we give to someone who you really love. Usually we try to get the best chocolate; making their originals or buying high-quality and expensive ones to show their affections.


●Giri (義理) -Choco

This is “gift chocolate”; chocolate you give as an obligatory gift to (usually male) co-workers, teammates or classmates.


●Tomo (友) Choco

This is a recent addition to the Japanese Valentine’s Day collection; it is “friendship chocolate”. This chocolate is popular among girls that would like to give chocolate to other girls on Valentine’s Day. Recently, women will get together, make their Valentine’s Day chocolates together, and give each other Tomo choco.



Boss(  'ω') “Actually, we have more! When men give women chocolate, it’s called Gyaku (=opposite) Choco and women to women, ’ Yuri (百合) Choco. But those three types above are more common for sure!


Saori (゜∇ ゜) “Then... what if women give chocolate to women who they really love? Is it called ‘Yuri-Choco’ or ‘Honmei-Choco’?



Boss(  'ω') “Mmm... It’s a hard question.. But what matters here is how you want them to receive your chocolate. If you want to give chocolate to your loved one, then it’s called ‘Honmei-Choco’ and that also applies to ‘Yuri-Choco’.”



Saori (゜∇ ゜) “I see... It’s very important to show your feeling when you actually give chocolate, huh?”





★What if anime and Valentine’s Day collaborate....?



Boss(  'ω') “Anyways! February 14th is Valentine’s Day!! We can see some anime characters collaborate with such a big event in various ways!”



★In anime magazine, “otomedia”, you’ll get a free gift related with Valentine’s Day! And MORE? Full of anime information!



★How about convenience stores in Japan? Limited goods for Valentine’s Day are available!



★Every Animate in Japan are holding a campaign where you get chocolate if you say “Happy Valentine! Sir!” on February 14th (Please show your Animate member’s card)! You will also get a special card of Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? (Is the Order a Rabbit?)!



★In Tobu Department Store, a special Valentine’s Day-version panel has been now displayed! For more details? Go check Mafuyu’s tweet at Goods Republic!!!



Boss(  'ω') “How did you like Valentine’s Day in Japan! We’re all livening up here like we showed you today! So are you guys ready? Enjoy your Valentine’s Day tomorrow too!”



Saori (゜∇ ゜) “Alright then, we’ll see you all at the next update! Byeee~!!!”




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