A must-see for the beginners! You’ll never be late! Touken Ranbu Character Introduction!



★Saori Press Vol.111★

A must-see for the beginners! You’ll never be late! Touken Ranbu Character Introduction!


※Please note that this includes some spoilers of anime, Touken Ranbu Hanamaru Ep5. Be careful.



(  'ω') “Hello everyone.”



(*´・∀・) “Boss!!! Since I wrote so many things about characters, make your greeting short!”






(  'ω') “Whaaaaaaat!!! Hello everyone! I’m Otaku Republic’s Boss!”



(*´・∀・) “It’s Saori from Otaku Republic! Well well! Here comes Touken Ranbu Character Introduction Part 3! Who on earth are the five characters this time?! Let’s check them out now!”




★Character-Introduction of Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 1★




★Character-Introduction of Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 2★





11: Shokudaikiri Mitsutada 燭台切光忠




His sword is sharp enough to leave an anecdote that a warrior, Date Masamune, cut the vassala retainer down along with the Shokudai (an iron pedestal). Just like Date Masamune, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada also believes that he is “Date-Otoko” (A man who is so manly and likes fancy words, deeds and outfits).


His favorite phrase is “I want to do things with style! (格好良く決めたいよね!)”

It doesn’t mean he is a narcissist but he thinks he should always keep himself neat in case anything happens to him. If we choose him as a member for the war, he always says, “Ah, I just have to support everyone, right?” As we can see from the line, he always cares about his buddies, his owner (player) and even buddies who were under Date Masamune.






Therefore, he is relentless to his enemies that harm his buddies.

Even though he always smiles, the smile completely disappears when he is in a pinch.







Since Date Masamune liked to cook, he also seems to be good at cooking. He is actually cooking in OP as well. Cool. But I want him to take off the gloves.






A good cook, good-looking and considerate! Oh... he’s completely hot....

But guess what? There was some clumsiness in him in 3rd episode.

He was asked to go buy some alcohols and he ended up getting sunglasses.

I’ve watched various anime but it was my very first time to see a character that bought all the sunglasses on display... Yes, it’s Shokudaikiri!! We cannot miss him out from now on!!!






12: Gokotai 五虎退










He has an anecdote that this sword, Gokotai, ‘could defeat five tigers’.

🐾 But he, himself, has a little slavish personality, saying “There’s no way I can defeat five tigers with such a short sword!” 🐾 On the contrary, five tigers follow him. It doesn’t make sense at all??? 🐾






Even though he is gentle 🐾, he is so kind that he is a little coward. Even when he attacks his enemies, he hesitates, saying 🐾 “If you get injured, please say so.” 🐾 Unlike such a coward Gokotai, his five tigers are so energetic. 🐾They are so curious that they sneak and go somewhere, 🐾and growl with fangs out. (The tigers look like they are inciting the battle in the picture below.)






But he grows more when he meets a specific condition. 🐾 🐾 🐾

He’s bravely grown a lot mentally and physically, hoping that “he wants to be strong” 🐾 from the bottom of his heart.

Then the five tigers ended up becoming only one. 🐾 What the heck happened???






13: Yamanbagiri Kunihiro山 姥切国広




This is a sword that a man called Kunihiro made, imitating a virtuous sword, “Yamanbagiri (山姥切)”.

This Yamanbagiri Kunihiro is such a beautiful and sharp sword that even its producer, Kunihiro-San said it was the best one in whole his life.



But he, himself, has an inferiority complex about him not being the original.

Even if he gets compliments about his beauty, he never accept them, saying “It’s just because my original, Yamanbagiri was wonderful.” Putting on a shabby-looking cloth on him, he also says, “This cloth matches me, who is just a copy.”






Even though he has a little difficult personality, he is one of the characters that we can choose first as our partner. He’s a little servile, saying “I’m not worth being expected” but he never is lazy about battles or everyday work. He is hard-working and engages in his work. He is always loyal to his players’ orders and he is basically considerate.






He seems to be poor at getting along with his players or other characters but on the other hand, we found out he enjoyed the welcome party so much that he even had a hangover in 3rd episode of anime. He’s unexpectedly playful. I really want him to change that positiveness into confidence! I want you to check out anime to see his positiveness. My recommendation is 4th episode.






14: Shishiou 獅子王




This sword was made in Heian Era and sent to Minamoto No Yorimasa, who defeated the monster, Nue(鵺), which was trying to ruin the city at that time, by the Emperor.






The sword was made a little short and light so that the owner would be able to use it easily when he gets older.

It was made with a thought that the owner won’t lose meritorious services in war and pride, so a humanized Shishiou, himself, has a cheerful, brave and kind personality as well.






By the way, the black fluffy thing on his shoulder is not the one for fashion but it’s surprisingly a fabulous itself. I don’t know why he’s with it... I feel the same thing as Gokotai.

It is an imaginary monster appearing in Japanese folklore and it has a monkey’s head, a tiger’s body and a snake’s tail.

It usually is quiet on Shinsiou’s shoulder but when Shinshiou is in a pinch, he threatens with it fangs out. Cute.






Yes, that’s Shishiou! Cool and kind!

Let’s be kind to the elderly, like Shinshiou is!!






15: Ishikirimaru 石切丸




He has a personality with a little slow tempo. He even showed such a shocking nude in 1st episode.

He was said to be a sacred sword that has been worshiped in the shrine, which could cure diseases such as tumors. He is calm and kind so we tend to have a ‘father’-like image about him.






Even thoug he says, “He is poor at fighting battles since he has been in the shrine for such a long time”, and his status of attack ability is the highest among all the characters.

Since this sword is called “OOtachi”, he can attack multiple enemies at the same time.

Especially for the beginner players, he is dependable and Saori (I) was the one who were getting his support as well. You can see his cool battle scene in 1st episode! Strong Ishikirimaru! You’re a hero, Ishikirimaru!!






... Of course he has something he’s not good at too.

Guess what? His status of swiftness is the lowest of all the characters.

Even though he is strong, he is a little slow. Therefore, his turn rarely comes, which tends to become an enemy’s sandbag. Yes, just like what happened in 1st period.








But at the same time, he is such a dependable character as a buddy. He looks and acts nonchalantly in anime, which heals us... I want to see him playing a good role more... I cannot wait for it from 2nd episode too!!






(  'ω') “I have thought that they were cats...”






(゜∇ ゜) “They are white tigers.”





(  'ω') “There are some characters who appear with some animals too, huh? We haven’t seen Nue in anime yet but I wonder if they appear someday... I wonder how they move though...”






(=´∀`) “I cannot wait to see that too! We’ll share some more information about Touken Ranbu Characters with you very clearly next time too! We’ll see you all at the next special number of Touken Ranbu!”



(  'ω') “I really couldn’t talk this time! Come visit us next time too! We’ll see you all soooon!!!”


★Character-Introduction of Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 1★




★Character-Introduction of Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 2★


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