Yuri!!! on ICE Ep3! ~Yes! It was very Eros!~


Yuri!!! on ICE  Ep3! ~Yes! It was very Eros!



(σゝ∀・)σ “Hi, everyone! I am Saori, from Otaku Republic! This may be too sudden but let’s look back the last episode of Yuri!!! on ICE!



★The last episode of Yuri!!! on ICE★



A living legend in the industry of figure skating, Viktor Nikiforov, suddenly came to Japan!

He announced like “I will become your coach” to Katsuki Yuuri, a Japanese dropout figure skater!






Katsuki Yuuri got so happy and high because the person he admires was becoming his coach!

However, just after that, a 15-year-old genius figure skater, Yuri Plisetsky, is also coming from Russia!

Why Yuri came to Japan is because, although Viktor promised with Yuri that Viktor will do the choreography for a contest of Yuri’s senior debut, Viktor totally forgot it!






Yuri Plisetsky wants Viktor to go back to Russia together and become his coach!

While, Katsuki Yuuri wants Viktor to stay in Japan to become his coach!

Two of them will show their performance in 1 week at Exhibition Match Program.

Who is going to win?!






The result is!!!!






What is this angel-like cute doggy name!!!!

Will it be known (*`д´)σ=σ?!!!!!



P.S The name was known!!!!!!!

It is Makkachin! The name was mentioned in the magazine shown in Episode 1!





(  'ω') “Hello, everyone. If we watch Yuri!!! on ICE, we will feel like eating Katsudon. So, I, Boss of Otaku Republic, went out for eating Katsudon”.





(●´∀`)σ “I know, whenever I see the anime, I always feel like eating Katsudon! Ayami was also eating Katsudon with me!”





(  'ω') “Saori was eating Ramen, not Katsudon alone, wasn’t she???”





(*`д´)σ=σ “Don’t care something small!!! Let’s look back the episode 3 of Yuri!!! on ICE!”




● What is ‘love for you’? Yuuri and Yurio think a lot of this question…

*Yurio is Yuri Plisetsky’s nickname while he stays in Japan.




(●´∀`)σ “Each theme of the program was given to each two of them – ‘Love in Eros (sexual love)’ to Yuuri from Japan, ‘Love in Agape (intimate love)’ to Yurio from Russia.”






(  'ω') “Yuuri from Japan hasn’t experienced and cannot imagine sexual love, while Yuri from Russia, or Yurio, cannot imagine intimate love, so both of them wondered a lot in the first half”.















(*`д´)σ=σ “At the time, Yuuri from Japan suddenly got an inspiration! Something which makes him not judge appropriately…Something he is looking for feverishly…which is!!”








(  'ω') “Katsu★Don!!!”






(*`д´)σ=σ “I don’t care even if Yuri from Russia laughs at me! Yuuri from Japan imagines Katsudon to blow up his image of Eros!”






Viktor “As if you involve with eggs more!!!”



(  'ω') “On the other side, Yuri from Russia cannot hide his want, like I want to win! I don’t want to lose! I want to let him admit!, which makes him feel difficult more than Yuuri from Japan does. At the time, when he was going to train himself in a waterfall…!”






★What is the Japanese waterfall training like?! Saori, writing this blog, just experienced it!!★




(  'ω') “Aoi, looking at this waterfall training,”


( ´_ゝ`) “This scene was taken around in spring, so the water is still warm and I don’t think it was this hard training. They still don’t know what the real waterfall training is”.


(  'ω') “When I heard of this next to me, I couldn’t stop laughing a bit. (She was going to the training in summer, I didn’t feel that was hard.)”


(*`д´)σ=σ “Noooo!!! Don’t say like that!! Anyway, in the waterfall training scene…”






(*´・д・) “It instantly reminds me the past memory…that I was skating with my gentle grandfather taking care of me”.












(*`д´)σ=σ “Two of them started having a hint for each other…Finally, the match day has come!”









(  'ω') “In episode 3, both of them thought a lot in the first half, which was, of course, good, while the second half has more mental conflicts during the performance, which was also so good. Although Russian Yuri did a very beautiful performance, he was not able to care for other things because he needed to focus on the performance, so he was not able to express Agape enough. His wandering thought such as “finish it now!” or “this is not what I can do”, was not able to be hidden within this performance”.













c(`・ω´・ c) “On the other hand, to understand the image of ‘sexual love’, Yuuri from Japan changed the image from a playboy tempting a lady to a lady aggressively tempting a playboy! With his calm yet passionate feeling to win the match, as well as his own confidence like “please watch my performance”, he did such a wonderful performance, as it perfectly got the theme and his feeling matched!”









(  'ω') “Yuuri from Japan had some mistakes during his performance. However, since he has the theme and his feeling firmly, his performance didn’t lose the way until the end. Therefore, which performance was more wonderful was clearly known without words”.















(*´・ω・) “Yuri went back to Russia before knowing the result. He left Japan, saying he will see you next time in Grand Prix Final... I will miss him. Yuri from Russia was very childish but cute and fine for his age”.









(  'ω') “In episode 2, he was saying “I won’t go back to Russia until Viktor commits out promise!”…but I guess that he understands this situation well, as well as what he needs or what he cannot. It was a bit sad to me, but I hope he will be grown much better next time as we cannot recognize him well”.






(*`д´)σ=σ “That’s how Yuuri from Japan got Viktor to be his coach! He will start training very hard for Grand Prix Final!”


(  'ω') “Mmm! I always feel that 30 minutes of this anime is very short! I want to see the episode 4 soon!!”


(σゝ∀・)σ “I want to see the foreign figure skaters too, introduced on the official website! Anyway, it’s time for us to…”




(  'ω') “Yes! Let’s go to eat Katsu★don!!”






(●´∀`)σ “Next time! Aoi will be in charge of episode 4’s comments! Can we see what kind of Yuuri and Makkachin-chan next week!? I am already excited! See you!!!”






Yuri!!! on ICE episode 1: Did you watch the 1st episode of Yuri!!! on ICE ?




Yuri!!! on ICE episode 2: Full power-Eros starting with a naked body




<<<Yuri!!! on ICE Ep 4! The meaning of the title is revealed!

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