☆Aoi & Mafuyu TIMES Vol.08☆What’s the Cinema Live?


‡New Face, Mafuyu’s Blog!‡


~What’s the Cinema Live?~



Mafuyu(^q^): Hi, our friends. It’s Mafuyu from Otaku Republic!



Aoi( ´_ゝ`): Hi, our friends. It’s Aoi from Otaku Republic!



Mafuyu(^q^): Guess what? I went to see the Cinema Live of Uta no Prince-sama the other day! I had so much fun~



Aoi( ´_ゝ`): Cinema Live? You mean you watched the live video at the movie theater?



Mafuyu(^q^): You’re exactly right! For instance, we can see the live video of the Uta no Prince-sama’s concert held in January even before the DVD goes on the market!








Aoi( ´_ゝ`): Really~? It’s great that we can see the live video of the concert that early!



Mafuyu(^q^): Yep. Cinema Live has a little different attraction from the actual live concert. So I’ll share some information about the Cinema Live with our friends today~!




What’s the Cinema Live???


Here we go!! Just like the name! To watch the concert in the movie theater!




1. Bringing formal concert goods to the theater is allowed! Using them is allowed too!



You can also put on ring lights or wrist bands sold as the formal concert goods☆





Of course you can use fans or pen lights as the formal concert goods as well(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧





You can liven up the concert, using pen lights just like we do in the live concert too! (ノ*'ω'*)ノ



We have 12 kinds of color variations for the pen lights and ring lights!

Since each character has its own color in Uta no Prince-sama, we change the color, according to each song!











Let’s have a look at the actual concert video..


So colorful and beautiful, isn’t it?!!!!!!!!






Look at this beautifully organized color variation!!!






We can feel a sense of unity since everybody shakes the pen lights all together to the music, like the picture above! :*:・(*´ω`pq゛



2. Bringing stuffed animals or the Ita-bags is allowed too!



Since bringing the formal goods of Uta no Prince-sama is allowed so....



Bringing stuffed animals is OK★





Bringing the Ita-bag is OK too☆





I picked a simple and modest bag but there are many people who bring the Ita-Bags just like the ones that we shared in ☆Aoi & Mafuyu TIMES Vol.02☆ too!★



Any kind of bag will do as long as it fits your seat! (・ω<)☆



In the actual concert...



There are some people who have huge Ita-bags or...






Some people are wearing Happi....









Some are even wearing their home-made dresses too!








Unfortunately... we cannot do that in the Cinema Live.



In the Cinema Live, we can only bring the formal goods.



That’s why I see so many people wearing T-shirts sold by the official Uta no Prince-sama






I put on Tokiya Ichinose’s T-shirt and enjoyed the cinema live.






You can lived up but it’s performed in the movie theater, so please don’t bother other audiences!!!




3. Scream & Cheer are OK!!!!




Even though Scream & Cheer are prohibited in the regular movie...

They’re all OK in the Cinema Live!!!!




You can scream the name of the character








Giving interludes is okay too



We Can FLY





Go ahead and liven up as if you were in the regular live concert! ( ›ω‹ )⁾⁾




4. You can buy goods that were sold in the concert venue!!!




・Masking Tape

・Pen Light

・Ring Light

・Button Badge




Etc... you can buy goods that were sold in the concert venue! (゚∇゚)





There are always long lines for goods that were sold in the actual live concert!!!!!

I even waited in line for eight hours from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm to get the goods! (・:゚д゚:・)





We are able to get such popular goods again in the Cinema Live venue! ☆


It’s just like a dream...!!!!!



By the way, this popcorn set is only available in the Cinema Live!







I forgot to buy the popcorn set since I didn’t check it beforehand. (*´Д)ノ。゚ヽ(  )ノ゚。ヽ`゚*)ノ゚。。゚ヽ(*´Д`゚)ノ゚。

Don’t forget to check it out in advance!





5. You can get the special sticker only for the audiences!!!



You’ll get the exclusive sticker that has the concert’s logo!


It’s gonna be a great memory with this precious present, isn’t it? ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ







There are other anime that have the Cinema Live in the movie theater other than Uta no Prince-sama




Love Live


















Please check them out! ☆゚・*.†ε('-'*)з





Aoi( ´_ゝ`): Oh, I see. I think it’s good to watch in the Cinema Live since we can watch more detailed performances or expressions of the casts with a big screen, unlike the live concert! ☆



Mafuyu(^q^): Yes, you’re right. I also went see the live concert but I actually couldn’t watch everything that detailed since the seat and the stage were too far away with each other.. So I could refresh watching the concerts in the Cinema Live! +。:.゚٩(๑>◡<๑)۶:.。+゚



Aoi( ´_ゝ`): It seems like the Cinema Live has its own attraction, doesn’t it?



Mafuyu(^q^): Right. That’s why it’s hard to get the ticket of the Cinema Live. It’s super popular, you know?

So our friends, please go watch the Cinema Live if you have a chance! It’s super super and super fun



Okay now, it’s all for today!

It’s gonna be Aoi’s turn next week! Look forward to it! ∩(・ω・)∩



M&A*・ω・)ノ*・ω・)ノ: Sayonara~



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☆Look forward to the next number!☆

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