【Coupling Column】Vol.73 Charisma: share house story

※This Coupling Column is written under the author's preference. We recognize that all couplings in the world are filled with freedom and love, and everyone has their own preferences.

Ito Fumiya x Kusanagi Rikai

'Charisma' is the story of seven unique men sharing a house called the 'Charisma House.' Among them, Ito Fumiya is, of course, also a charisma. He is called the 'Charisma of Good and Evil,' fearlessly taking on both good and bad deeds with boldness, making him the youngest and most terrifying character.

Ito Fumiya

And Kusanagi Rikai is also a charisma. He is called the 'Charisma of Order,' loving peace and discipline more than anyone else. He’s overly serious, to the point of putting offenders in headlocks and punishing them if they disturb order.

Kusanagi Rikai

A charisma indifferent to good and evil, and a charisma who loves order (his own justice)...... The two have conflicting stances and often argue. Or rather, Kusanagi Rikai, who keeps the free-spirited Charisma House residents in line, has considerable interaction with Ito Fumiya. At first glance, they seem incompatible...... but it was Ito Fumiya who invited Kusanagi Rikai to the Charisma House. What is the truth behind that?

Sarukawa Kei x Motohashi Iori

Sarukawa Kei is also a charisma. He is the 'Charisma of Rebellion.' He opposes everything. He defies whatever people say and has an incredible rebellious spirit, even enduring hardship and suffering just to resist.

Sarukawa Kei

On the other hand, Motohashi Iori is the 'Charisma of Submission.' True to his name, he simply wants to submit to someone, to be ordered around and bound. He takes care of all the household chores in the Charisma House and gets extremely upset if someone tries to take over. He’s truly the embodiment of submission.

Motohashi Iori

Surprisingly, these two are childhood friends! Though their ages differ by a year, they’ve known each other for quite a long time within the Charisma House. Because they’re childhood friends, they’ve known each other for a long time...... Among the characters, they share a slightly unique relationship.

Minato Ohse x Kusanagi Rikai

And lastly...... Minato Ohse is the 'Charisma of Self-Punishment.' In other words, he excels at punishing and belittling himself, believing without a doubt that he is worth less than trash.

Minato Ohse

Rikai has a strong sense of self-worth, while Ohse has an extremely low one. Rikai loves to take control of everything, so he seems a bit concerned about Ohse, who is so passive that his unpredictable behavior can’t be ignored. Their personalities are so drastically different that their strengths and weaknesses complement each other...... It’s such a curious pairing.
Charisma: share house story

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