【Fall Anime 2024】Currently Serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump! A Refreshing, Subtle School Romance Depicting Youth Through Club Activities – "Blue Box (Ao no Hako)"!

Hello everyone~! Fall anime is about to start! We need to prepare and see what's coming up! This is Saori from Otaku Republic, getting ready!
So! This time, I'll share some fall anime news with everyone! Today, I'm introducing you to a delicate and wonderful love story, currently serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump!

【Fall Anime】Currently Serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump! A Refreshing, Subtle School Romance Depicting Youth Through Club Activities – “Blue Box (Ao no Hako)”!

It's pretty rare for a series in Shonen Jump (the magazine) to be a straightforward school romance! A refreshing youth manga where relationships grow and romance blossoms through club activities!

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So, the fall anime I'm introducing today is “Blue Box (Ao no Hako)”, currently serialized in Shonen Jump!
“Blue Box (Ao no Hako)” is a very rare non-fantasy work for Shonen Jump! Set in the present day, the story follows boys and girls whose relationships grow through club activities!
The setting is Eimei Junior and Senior High School, a school known for its strong sports teams.
The protagonist, Taiki Inomata, a member of the badminton club, secretly harbored feelings for his senior, Chinatsu Kano, from the girls' basketball team.
Taiki was drawn to Chinatsu after seeing her earnestly practicing early in the morning, and after a certain incident, he gets the chance to interact with her......!
This popular series ranked 8th in the 2021 “Next Manga Awards” and also won the Global Award.
By the way, “Blue Box (Ao no Hako)” is a “love story,” not a “romantic comedy”! That's what makes it special, and it's also rare for a Shonen Jump manga! It's a recommended story for those who want to focus on a refreshing love story of boys and girls, and since the protagonist is a boy, it gives off a very refreshing vibe!
So, it's less about wanting to read a Shonen Jump work, and more for those who want to enjoy a straightforward love story! There aren't any particularly complex settings, so it's about modern-day youths facing their own feelings of love while navigating their unique environments and situations......Among this fall's anime, it will undoubtedly be one of the most straightforward and refreshing works!
Blue Box (Ao no Hako)

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