Who’s gonna control Eternal Summer! Free! popularity vote!


Who’s gonna control Eternal Summerヾ(。>д<)ノ! Free! characters’ popularity vote!



Hi, guys!  Thanks for waiting(o*・ω<)o!

It’s Saori, one of the Otaku Republic members!



By the way, did you check the result of summer anime popularity vote 2014 yet o(・ω・ = ・ω・)o?




That’s a ranking which they vote for the favorite anime among all the anime starting from summer 2014!



If you haven’t checked it yet, why don’t you click it here! o(・ω・ = ・ω・)o

You can’t read from here unless you check this, ok?





Now, nobody? o(・ω・ = ・ω・)o

There’s nobody who hasn’t check it? o(・ω・ = ・ω・)o



o(・ω・ = ・ω・)o



(  ・ω・ )  I hope there’s nobody...



( σ ‘д‘ )σ Ok!



Ok(人´∀`)!!! Here is anime characters’ popularity vote ranking which we give you this time!!



It’s ‘Free! (Iwatobi Swim Club)’ which was voted for 1st place on the summer anime popularity vote 2014!!


Poster - Free! (Iwatobi Swim Club) / All Characters (Free!)



↓↓ VOTE NOW !!  ↓↓




The 3rd episode has been televised so far.  As the new character, Yamazaki Sosuke appeared, there was something wrong among the five characters who thought they were getting along well…(。-`ω-) 

I just can’t wait to see the next episode with either a good way or a bad wayΣ(`Д`;≡;゜Д゜)!!!!








So who is the most popular character in Free! which people in the whole world and members of Otaku Republic really like...! 

Since we couldn’t do this in Season 1, we’ll try it this time! 

Of course!  You can vote for more characters other than the five main ones(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ!!



By the way, the member of Otaku Republic are like this..



Our president likes Nagisa-Kun (  'ω' ) “I love him since I knew that he tried hard when he was in 5th grade of elementary school.”

My boss Shingo likes Go-Chan. “Overwhelming cuteness. No need to explain.”

The engineer likes Sasabe coach. “I like him being with the adviser.”

I like Rei-chan! (This is the final chance for him in Season 2!!  His hope can be rewarded!)



You see that? 

Everybody is an individual.. I guess you guys are worried about us being separated like this although Otaku Republic consists in these four members(°◇°;)?



But I think all the characters that are individual and attractive depends on who watches them( *´艸`)!!! 

Since our members are also this individual, I wonder who is the most popular character in the whole world.. I really want to know now!



Let’s ice who will be number 1, ok? Haru(`・ω・´)!!!



Other Anime Characters Rankings!







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